Recruiting a Director

Welcome Pastor!

Thank you for your investment in serving students in your community through a Kids Hope USA mentoring program. Your partnership with us and your neighborhood elementary school shows you have a heart for your community.

This page is designed to help you easily locate resources helpful for recruiting a director for your mentoring program. We’re here to assist you in the process, so please connect with us for any questions and include us in any conversations where you could use some assistance. 

The Kids Hope USA director:

  • serves as the key liaison between the partner school and your church
  • provides supervision and support for volunteers, in addition to helping recruit new mentors and prayer partners
  • builds relationships with school contacts, providing confidence for educators that the program runs smoothly

A Kids Hope USA director should be someone who:

  • is passionate about kids
  • enjoys working with others
  • has a heart to serve the community
  • available 4-6 hours per week
  • has basic computer skills

Hear from Directors…

Hear from Kids Hope USA directors about what they love most about their involvement in this transformative, one-on-one mentoring program.

Share this video with others by clicking on the arrow in the top right corner of the video.

Here are a few things to consider as you recruit a director:

  • Co-Directors: Having co-directors can add strength, bring stability, add longevity…and be more fun!
  • Stipend: Though not required, a stipend can encourage consistency in a director’s hours and commitment to the role.
  • Relationship with the Principal: A positive leadership connection between the pastor and principal can grow the partnership and provide program stability.

Resources for Recruiting a Director


Use these resources to help your church find a director who will be a great fit for the role and will help your church’s program to be successful.  


Once you’ve found a potential director—or co-directors—use these resources to screen and approve the candidate. These resources are only for your own records.


Learn more about transformative one-on-one mentoring programs through your church’s Kids Hope USA program.  


If you have a new school contact with your partner school, these resources can help you connect.

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