20 Years of Hope and Love (The Hero Factor)

For some, it was a teacher or coach. For others, it was a pastor, parent or neighbor. For Geuriel Danini, it was his Kids Hope mentor who made a lingering difference in his life.

When the 10th grade American Literature teachers recently announced they would hold an Appreciation Night at Grandville, MI High School, Geuriel had to reflect on which special person to invite. His class had been reflecting on inspirational relationships in literature, and now they were asked to consider who inspired and supported them. He had not seen his mentor, Judy Sytsema, since he was in fifth grade, but she was the one he wanted to appreciate. In fact, he did not know her last name, and he certainly did not know her address. But after a little sleuthing, Systema was located, and she accepted her young friend’s invitation to the celebration.

The reunion was quite special to witness. All dressed up, Geuriel gave flowers to his heroine; it was one of his English teacher’s favorite moments of ApprecAppreciation_Night_2014iation Night. The evening was magical for others, too: The mentors received letters of gratitude and were highlighted in a presentation in the auditorium.

The power of one. Thank you to all the Judy-like heroes who have given one-on-one attention to a child; though you may not know it, you live on for years in a quiet place in their hearts and minds, instilling a belief in themselves.

This story was published in The Communicator, A publication of the Grandville, MI Public Schools Board of Education

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