At Kids Hope USA, students are our focus. From each activity completed to game played to conversation had, students are at the heart of these intentional one-on-one mentoring programs.
Here we share 30 reasons to celebrate our Kids Hope USA students, inspired by mentor, director, teacher and parent testimonials.
30 Reasons to Celebrate Kids Hope USA Students
- He is loved, valued, and a child of God.
- She gives me a new perspective on what kids are going through in today’s world—and perseveres, nonetheless.
- He always says exactly what he’s thinking. I appreciate that he feels comfortable sharing anything and everything.
- She gets up and smiles when she sees me each week.
- He has become a thoughtful young man who offers wisdom to those around him.
- She gets me out of my comfort zone as we play silly games and read together.
- He has a big imagination and loves telling stories.
- She is so excited to tell me what’s been happening in her life over the last week.
- He has become motivated to do well in school.
- She asks questions about me, boosting her conversation and interpersonal skills.
- He has so much energy, it’s contagious.
- She looks forward to seeing me each week, running to give me a hug.
- He is very good at playing strategy games and is humble when he wins.
- She is very creative and is eager to share that creativity through activities we do together.
- He laughs at my jokes.
- She tells me she missed me after a school break.
- He helps me to feel like a kid again in playing games or sports.
- She brings me so much joy each week.
- He is persistent in learning new games—trying to figure out all the rules and how to play.
- She doesn’t give up while trying to sound out difficult words while reading out loud.
- He inspires me as much as I inspire him.
- She never wants to miss school on the day that she meets with her mentor.
- He keeps me young by sharing new trends and games.
- She has made amazing progress in her confidence throughout the year.
- He has improved his reading skills significantly.
- She wants to continue to stay connected, even as our formal Kids Hope USA mentoring relationship is ending as she enters high school.
- He has become more comfortable talking to me.
- She has helped me to become a better person and friend.
- He is very artistic, which is an activity we have in common.
- She is having a big influence on my life as we meet together each week.
There are so many reasons to celebrate students in the Kids Hope USA program. For many mentors, the time is just as valuable for them as it is for the students.