
The new book has not yet arrived as promised so some reflections on the season. Did you know that Isaiah predicted the coming of Jesus 750 years before his birth? I have always tuned into the 39 chapters of Isaiah that talk about the judgment on Israel for their many sins. Did you know that there are 27 chapters that talk about God’s display of grace by delivering Israel from their enemies and sending their messiah? Jesus is the light of the world but often all the world experiences is darkness. Sometimes darkness can feel more real than the light especially to some of the children who come from such troubled situations.

We as KIDS HOPE USA mentors can reflect on the light of Jesus as we meet with our children. What an opportunity to light a candle of hope in the life of child. I can’t think of anything that would please Jesus more than for us to recognize that we heard His challenge to share His love.

I’m looking forward to the Christmas party our director has planned for this week. It is such a happy time for children to receive special attention for just being who they are.

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