“An hour ago I got a haircut.”

I know, I know..one of the most boring titles imaginable right?  (and yet reflects 90% of the status updates on Facebook I see.  But that is fodder for another blog.)

An hour ago I got a haircut.

And as Stacey led me to my chair, I got the standard question 1 and 2:

“Here on your lunch break?”

“Where do you work?”

I shared about my work with Kids Hope USA, expecting the usual polite comments, but instead was overwhelmed by Stacey’s excitement.

“This week my son Max had his very first meeting with his Kids Hope mentor, Brent!  I was at the end of my rope, and felt helpless.  But then his teacher shared about having a Kids Hope friend.  It’s just what he needs.”

What struck me about this match was it’s beginning.  Not last week when Max and Brent met.  Not when the teacher recommended Max have a mentor.  If you trace the timeline back you eventually get to one simple conversation.  Someone like you, sharing with someone they knew, about Kids Hope USA.

Someone stepped out and shared with another church or school.  Someone shared with a friend or family member.

To that someone, on behalf of Max and his mom, I’d like to say thank you.  And to those of you out there sharing, keep at it!  The “Maxes” of the world need you.

Reaching 12,665 children through 763 church-school partnerships…and growing!

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