Snowflake Craft

Here’s a simple craft that you can do with your child during the mentoring hour. Create a snowflake using white yarn, scissors, glue, a pie tin and wax paper. First, have your child dip yarn strings in glue that is in a pie tin. Use the yarn to form a snowflake on wax paper, overlapping

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Math- Measurements

GIVE ‘EM a HAND….a “handy” method for understanding the concept of measurement 1. Have your student trace around one of her hands on cardstock paper and write her name on it. 2. To ensure that the hand lasts, you may consider covering it with contact paper or laminate it. 3. Model for your student how

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To play this game you will need one die, a pencil and a piece of paper. The goal of the game is to be the first to complete a MOUSE. Each roll of the die enables a particular body part to be drawn as follows: 6 = body 5 = nose 4 = whiskers 3

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