Five Ways the Classroom Teacher Can Help Prevent Bullying and Disrespect, by Dr. Brad Schwall

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1. Group students strategically and change groups often. Place students who would not otherwise spend time with each other together. Give guidelines for the group work. Affirm students who make an extra effort to work well together.

2. Create a sense of belonging. Affirm respectful behavior. Make being respectful and helpful appealing. Watch for clues of rudeness and exclusion. Create a sense of pride in being a class that works well together. Affirm the class’ behavior and respect for each other to parents.

3. Give all students attention for their unique abilities and interests.

4. Engage student leaders in helping you create a positive learning environment. Strengthen those who are respectful.

5. Give everyone involved skills. Give those who are likely to be bullied tools. Make sure that those who do bully know that you are watching and that consequences are given because you have observed the behavior not because someone told on them. Encourage bystanders to suggest that the peer stop bullying and inform the teacher privately.

What Not to Do

  • Do not ignore the social climate in your room. It does impact academics. Respect students’ temperaments. Be aware of who may be more likely to be a target. Create a socio-political map of your classroom in your mind including those who are likely to bully and those who are the victims.
  • Do not inadvertently make victims seem weak by outwardly trying to protect them in a condescending way. Respect the confidentiality of students who tell you they are being mistreated. Do not make the child who has been rude apologize when the victim wants to be anonymous.

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Dr. Brad Schwall,,

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