Four Traits of a Healthy Leader

Lencioni says that Trait 1 is being secure with who you are.  God has gifted each of us with different strengths and we must not try to copy the skills of others if they do not represent a strength for us.

Trait 2 is a close corollary to the first; Avoid being intimidated by others.  Working as a director in a church setting has it own set of potential conflicts depending on the leadership style of the person you must answer to.  Again, since directors have the most knowledge of how Kids Hope USA functions best, there may be times when you will have to assess your beliefs in the direction that best helps those you serve.

Trait 3 says; Don’t allow less developed skills to concern you.  Some directors may not be as creative as others but that’s what a leadership team can provide.  Be secure enough to surround yourself with talented people who can fill in where you may lack skills.

Trait 4 says;  Believe that whatever you do will only make things better than what’s happening presently.  This is especially true for new directors who should not try to operate exactly like the previous director but should bring their own special flair to your ministry.

Next week let’s look at the strong and weak traits of a leadership team.

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