Hope for Kinley

Last year, KIDS HOPE USA mentor, Bonnie, began mentoring Kinley, a very needy second grade girl. Kinley had many discipline issues, including suspensions throughout the year.  As Bonnie began mentoring Kinley this year it was evident Kinley’s home life was getting worse and foster care was being discussed.

During a recent mentoring session, Kinley mentioned she had gone to foster care over the weekend. The following week as Bonnie arrived Kinley seemed more excited than normal to see her. Kinley proceeded to tell Bonnie that her new Grandma (foster care provider) was Bonnie’s best friend. Kinley was insistent on sharing about Grandma, Bonnie’s supposedly best friend.  Bonnie began putting the pieces of the story together. Sure enough, God had put Kinley in the home of the daughter of one of Bonnie’s friends from her Bible Study group!

Isn’t it just like God to place this needy young girl in a Christian home with a connection to her KHUSA Mentor? Of all the foster care homes available God chose this one! Regardless of what the future holds Kinley’s life will never be the same because of what God has chosen to do in her life! Praise be to God!

This story was submitted by our friends at Southgate Baptist Church in Springfield, Ohio.

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