Humility’s Power to Lift Others

Dickson gives four reasons why people are attracted to a humble leader:
1. “People find themselves trusting the decisions and arguments of someone who puts others before themselves.”
2. “Humility in the leader orients everyone in the team to toward achieving the organization’s key objectives.”
3. “The humble leader gives the real impression that she is a “normal person.”
4. “Humility fosters loyalty toward the leader.”

While these four are written for secular organizations, the principles most certainly apply in our KIDS HOPE USA settings. Perhaps it is wise for directors to ask someone they trust if they exhibit these four traits. The key theme of all four is the leader’s ability to put the needs of others before their own. This can often be a difficult task as we are all wired to meet our own needs first. I have found that when I am able to follow the example set by Jesus; all four of these become much more satisfying.

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