Jesus- Author of Humility

This week Dickson engages in an in-depth historical study of how arrogance not humility ruled the ancient world.  As a history buff I enjoy his explanation but as your humble book reviewer, I can help you find his nugget of truth that will empower your daily living.  Here’s what Dickson says about Jesus that caused such a huge cultural shift in one generation.  “If the greatest man we have ever known chose to forgo his status for the good of others, reasoned the early Christians, greatness must consist in humble service.  The shameful place is now a place of honor, the low point is the high point.”

Dickson points out that in only 30 years, Christians were singing hymn of praise to the humble man of Nazareth who they had come to believe was God incarnate rather than a failed cultural wannabe.  Paul in his letter to the Philippians regularly wrote that humility was the central characteristic of an ethical life.

Christ’s life then has become the model for what it means to be a true follower if Him.  While those of the world may reject this servant model, think of the respect the world has for those like Mother Teresa who truly live out the lifestyle initiated by Jesus.  Can we do anything less?

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