Mother’s Day Ideas for Older Children

It can sometimes be hard to come up with craft ideas for older students, so here are a few suggestions that you may be able to use for Mother’s Day or throughout the year. For this age group it is typcially better to give them a little bit of structure in their project, but then let them personalize it in their own creative way! You may also consider making these gifts with your child for an end of the year present to their teacher.
1. CREATE A CD- burn a CD of songs that your child’s mom/teacher may enjoy. Then let your child decorate the cover for the CD as an extra special touch! If you don’t know how to burn a CD, I bet you can find a youth in your church that can easily do this for you.
2. PAINT A POT- it’s simple, yet fun! Find a clay pot and bring in some tempura paints and let your child create a masterpiece. Bring in some soil and a flower and you will be all set!
3. PERSONALIZED CLOCK- purchase an inexpensive wall clock and pop the plastic cover off. Remove the clock face. Cut prepared artwork to the same size as the clock face and add numbers to the edge. Slide the artwork in and replace the cover.

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