Welcome Pastor!

Thank you for your investment in serving students in your community through a Kids Hope USA mentoring program. Your partnership with us and your neighborhood elementary school shows you have a heart for your community.

The Kids Hope USA director:

  • serves as the key liaison between the partner school and your church
  • provides supervision and support for volunteers, in addition to helping recruit new mentors and prayer partners
  • builds relationships with school contacts, providing confidence for educators that the program runs smoothly

A Kids Hope USA director should be someone who:

is passionate about kids
enjoys working with others
has a heart to serve the community
available 4-6 hours per week
has basic computer skills

Hear from Directors…

Hear from Kids Hope USA directors about what they love most about their involvement in this transformative, one-on-one mentoring program.

Share this video with others by clicking on the arrow in the top right corner of the video.

Here are a few things to consider as you recruit a director:

Co-Directors: Having co-directors can add strength, bring stability, add longevity…and be more fun!
Stipend: Though not required, a stipend can encourage consistency in a director’s hours and commitment to the role.
Relationship with the Principal: A positive leadership connection between the pastor and principal can grow the partnership and provide program stability

Resources for Recruiting a Director


Use these resources to help your church find a director who will be a great fit for the role and will help your church’s program to be successful.


Once you’ve found a potential director—or co-directors—use these resources to screen and approve the candidate. These resources are only for your own records.


If you have a new school contact with your partner school, these resources can help you connect.

About Kids Hope USA

Learn more about transformative one-on-one mentoring programs through your church’s Kids Hope USA program.  

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