The Afterglow

So how was Christmas for you this year? I’m sure we all enjoyed the gift giving, the food and the family get-togethers. The candlelight service at church Christmas Eve was as inspiring as ever. But then as I turn on the news, I hear of the killing of Christians in Nigeria by Muslim extremists. A recent study by the Pew Forum on Religion found that 70 % of the world’s population lives in nations where religious freedom is subject to severe restrictions. The attempt by some to make blasphemy laws part of the international law code threatens our very democratic way of life.

Since this tragedy gets virtually no attention from secular media and very little from the church, perhaps it’s time for the church to take seriously again the great commission Jesus left us with as he departed earth. Think of the children worldwide who do not receive the loving support we give through our KIDS HOPEĀ USA mentoring. Pray that someone will have a vision for these children as Virgil has the vision for our own children.

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