20 Years Of Hope And Love (Children Growing To Their FULL Potential)

“20 years of KIDS HOPE means thousands of elementary children building relationships, becoming more confident and growing toward their full potential to become pro

IMG_9790ductive citizens. Yet, all those children worked one-on-one with an adult willing to reach out. Some had more success than others. Some jelled at first sight while others met for years before the haydite wall dismantled block by block and trust was built. A wall that strong and towering makes one wonder what has happened in that young life for such mistrust to exist.

Our KIDS HOPE unit has been in existence for a little over 3 years and I can tell story after story of the positive effects from investing time with a child. Sometimes the relationship extends to the entire family. Also, a church body learns to reach out to others who may come from a different culture but are loved by God just as much as He loves them. Seeing what God sees and feeling what He feels breaks down many barriers and stretches Christ followers beyond the church walls and into the community. What an opportunity for adults to grow and serve. What an opportunity for children to grow and learn. Hmmm, it all comes together because of KIDS HOPE USA…”

This story was submitted by Cary Conklin, KIDS HOPE USA Director for McKinney Memorial Bible Church in Fort Worth, TX.


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