Write on!

Did you know that March 31 is National MULE Day? Talk to your child about what it means to be stubborn. Are you ever stubborn? Does your child think they are ever stubborn? Is it ever good to be stubborn? Write a short paragraph on this topic and be sure to draw a mule to […]

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Reducing Prejudice

Wilson points out that one of the best ways to reduce prejudice is for students of different races and ethnic backgrounds to work together to solve a problem.  He calls this cooperative learning.  Although much of his work was with older students than the ones we mentor, I believe this technique could be used successfully with

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Shaping Behavior

Wilson talks about how adults use rewards and punishments to shape children’s behavior. From his research, he has concluded that both can be effective if used in moderation.  He concludes, “Use the minimal sufficiency principle , whereby you dole out rewards and punishments that are strong enough to get your kids to do what you want

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Happiness- A Spiritual Pursuit

Wilson suggests that personal well-being is the byproduct of happiness which results from three ingredients; meaning, hope, and purpose.  Wilson has found that people of faith are able to create a personal life narrative that embraces these three ingredients.  So what if life events have interrupted a person’s pursuit of these three goals?  Wilson suggests the

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Reading Idea

Since it’s Reading Month, I wanted READING to be the focus during my mentoring hour with my six year old today. With very little effort, I was able to help him with all five components of reading AND have fun at the same time… in fact, his giggles were contagious! I enjoyed laughing with him.

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