Facing Trauma

As promised, we begin a new book study of a Timothy Wilson book entitled Redirect.  He is researching the best way to help persons who have experienced a traumatic event.  Since my retirement from public education in 1993, I noticed that each time there is a crisis at any public school particularly involving an unexpected

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Positive School Behavior

Back to Basics: Decorum and Discipline at School, by Dr. Brad Schwall For the online version of this e-mail, go to: www.coolkidschannel.com/e-tips/decorum How do your children behave at school? Are they respectful? Are they attentive? Are they confident? Encouraging your children to adhere to some simple principles of behavior can help them learn effectively and

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Social Skills

Here’s a great lesson to teach your child about the words that they use. Remind them to THINK before they speak and teach them what this means using this acronym for the word THINK. Before you speak, THINK T– is it True? H– is it Helpful? I– is it Inspiring? N– is it Necessary? K–

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Eating an Elephant

This past week I was reminded of the old saying, “How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.” Fortunately, it wasn’t trying to shovel snow off my driveway in Michigan that brought this to mind.  I was in Fort Worth, TX at a special meeting convened by Mayor Betsy Price.  Her purpose was to invite several

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