Time Capsule

Recycle an old oatmeal tub and fill a time capsule together that will give you a chance to reflect on your relationship years later. You can even decorate the capsule together and plan on when you will remove it from its location. One year…two years….graduation? Decide together! Here are some items that can be included, […]

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During the month of February all you need is a bag of candy conversation hearts and you can fill up the hour doing many different activities with them…. MATH- add, subtract, greater than or less than, sorting by colors, graphing the different colors, estimate- fill a small glass jar with hearts and let them guess



Here’s an easy craft project that can be adapted to any age and can be done together… make a mosaic. Mosaics are usually created using small square tiles, but you can use different shapes, too. To create your project use small, brightly colored squares of paper. Squares cut from magazines can also be used to

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