
Our final review looks at how the context of life circumstances can result in either increasing or decreasing the stress that can result from life’s challenges. Context is defined as the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event or situation.

Allow me a personal example of how that can affect one’s outlook.  The main office has asked several of us to take the summer off from our regular duties since this is a particularly slow down with our kids on summer break and mentors vacationing.    Taking time off from a ministry that I have been deeply involved in the last 17 years can create a range of emotions that can be processed in either a negative or positive way.  Since I enjoy contact with staff and volunteers, that diminished contact will feel like a loss.  On the other hand, it’s summer in Michigan and I live on a lake.  What’s not to like about having a little more free time!  Am I sounding a little like Teviot from Fiddler on the Roof?

We often hear politicians say, “They took my words out of context.”  The real issue is that there are two conclusions we can draw from everything that happens to us in life.

For me the context I choose in this case is to use and enjoy this break as a time for physical and spiritual renewal.  Some of us may carry the burden that unless we are directly involved, something won’t get done properly.  My friends in AA have a great expression for this malady, “Let go and let God.”

One more thought, I might not respond quite as quickly but I can assure you that if you have an e-mail question or observation this summer, I will be delighted to respond.  Hope you are taking time to reflect on how blessed we are on this Memorial Day.

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