Sharing Successes

The model family in our ongoing study decided to share their approach with their friends.  Their friends had been arguing for several months about how and when to remodel their house.  I can relate as we just finished a remodel of our own.  Our model couple taught their friends how to identify their core values which in turn gave them a new focus on what was most important to concentrate on in their remodel.  They were now better prepared to approach an architect  who could design the remodel to reflect their most important values ie; space for family fun and spiritual growth.

Another couple they presented thier ideas to were not as receptive.  Because the husband was a doctor and was gone a lot, the wife got stuck with most of the parenting responsibility.  It turns out that the husband was in a large and demanding practice.   Once they brainstormed him opening his own one man office, they concluded this would better control his hours and thus he could be home to help with parenting more.  The key to any idea is whether it can be replicated in the lives of others.  In these two cases it could.

Next week we’ll look at our model family as they tackle a specific issue of how to focus on their Attention Deficit son within the family plan they had already developed.

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