Eating an Elephant

This past week I was reminded of the old saying, “How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.”

Fortunately, it wasn’t trying to shovel snow off my driveway in Michigan that brought this to mind.  I was in Fort Worth, TX at a special meeting convened by Mayor Betsy Price.  Her purpose was to invite several church pastors and other faith leaders to become more engaged in caring for Fort Worth’s children.  Specifically, she ask churches to consider starting KIDS HOPE USA programs.

Mayor Price shared these impassioned words, “As a community, we are facing a major problem in education.  Think of the impact if we had one hour a week in a school from people in your congregation!”

How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.  How do you tackle an overwhelming issue like education for a community?  One hour at a time.

One hour each week filled with hope, help and friendship.

Let me add one more time I’ve seen the same idea expressed.  It Matthew 25:40 Jesus says, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Again, notice the “one.”  Bite sized pieces.

The road ahead looks brighter and brighter for Fort Worth children, as more churches commit to bringing hope and love for one hour each week.  Thanks for all you do to support the work of Kids Hope USA to reach one more child!

Reaching 12,665 children through 763 church-school partnerships…and growing!

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