Exercise- The Magic Cure

I would strongly recommend that you read Chapters 4 & 5 of Ratey’s book if you want documentation of how exercise reduces anxiety and depression.  His conclusions include:

1.   Psychotherapy and medication remain the two main treatments for anxiety and depression.

2.   The chemicals activated in the brain when taking anti depressant medication are the same chemicals activated by exercise.

3.   Psychotherapy improves a person’s sense of self worth but so does the exercise when a person has a sense of accomplishment after exercising.

Since we know that obesity in children is at an all time high, Ratey says this, “Exercise is not an instant cure but you need to get your brain working again and if you move your body, your brain won’t have any choice but to get moving too.”

Have you added exercise to your visits with your youngster each week?  You’ll be amazed at how much kids like it.

Our final installment is on the effects of exercise on attention span.

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