I just found a GREAT game that kids of all ages can enjoy….no reading required, but it still holds the interest of older kids. The game is called Jam Pack Jam and you can find it at the big retail stores…WalMart, Target, Toys R US. You can also go on to Amazon.com, type in Jam Pack Jam, and there is a video description of the game. Kids will get to practice several mathematical skills as they play this fun game AND it fits easily in to your mentor bag. To top it off, it should only cost $15.00. Remember…games are a GREAT way to teach kids social skills as well as academic skills. After you play the game, write a story together about a place you would like to pack a van and go to on vacation. Bring in pictures of this place for your child to look at during your next visit together or take a pretend vacation to this place!

5 thoughts on “JAM PACK JAM”

  1. Great idea for a blog, Brooke! I’ll be sure to peek in regularly for new ideas! You’re a creative genius when it comes to connecting with kids and volunteers and I wish I could tap into your brain more often! 🙂

    Miss ya!

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