Read about what it’s like to become a Kids Hope USA mentor. Here, long-time mentor Deb shares her experience being part of the Kids Hope USA program at her church.
What inspired you to become a mentor with Kids Hope USA?
I am filled with gratitude and humility that as a child and young adult, people came into my life that provided mentorship, love and guidance that changed the trajectory of my life in such a positive way. I wanted to share that same type of influence with others. I thought I was unqualified to be a mentor and pushed away the nudge inside that kept prompting me to join the program. I am so glad I finally joined despite my doubts! I’ve been a mentor for eight years now.
What was your first mentoring session like?
It was a mix of nervousness and excitement for both my mentee and me! We connected right away, and the time flew as we go100% that this was the perfect place I was supposed to be.
What do you enjoy most about being a mentor?
It fills my heart to share that by being a mentor, a deep relationship has been built with my mentee and her family. Through eight years, we have shared ups and downs.
The impact of showing up to do life together shows how true support and encouragement can help make someone feel like they are important and that they are loved.
In what ways, if any, has being a mentor affected you?
Being a mentor has been a journey of being okay with not knowing everything and relying on the fact that showing up with an open heart to share kindness is the best place to start. It has also provided the reminder to look for those who cross your path that may need a little extra dose of compassion and to not hold back in what might seem like a small act of kindness.
Why do you recommend others explore becoming a mentor?
I would highly recommend being a mentor because not only was my life changed by mentorship, but I have also seen the positive impact of those mentored in this program. There are so many amazing and talented kids whose gifts could shine even more with a little dose of encouragement and a consistent presence to show that they matter. If we each could share this support and guidance with one child, for one hour a week, imagine what a difference this could make!
Become a Mentor
Learn more about becoming a mentor at your church’s Kids Hope USA program. If your church doesn’t have a program yet, connect with your pastor to discover your next steps in beginning a partnership with your local elementary school.