Teaching kids to care at CHRISTMAS

It’s the MOST WONDERFUL time of the year, and even though you are mentoring at a public school you can still help teach your child lessons about Christmas . While you can not come out and share the story of Jesus, you can teach them about giving, caring and loving others with a few simple ideas that I will share throughout this month. If you have a great idea, please share it with me!
Help your child make a list of all the people that help make their school a special place…teacher, principal, secretary, etc. Talk about specific things they do to help at school. Then, decorate cookies for the adults on the list and deliver these together. Encourage your child to say thank you and Merry Chrismas to each adult. Surprise your child by giving them a tub full of cookies that they can take home with them since they also help make the school a special place. Thank your child for CARING for others this Christmas!

1 thought on “Teaching kids to care at CHRISTMAS”

  1. Brooke, love your blog name. Somehow Rylee and I talked about her Arizona grandmother and so I had Rylee make a card and write a letter and got the address from her dad. We sent it off and wow….. I got the neatest letter back asking allabout mentoring.

    I will fill her in on KIDS HOPE USA and have Rylee write more often. Here is a grandmother that wept over the letter. How many other grandmothers want to hear from children. Jess

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