Tips For Helping Your Child Have a Successful Year at School

The beginning of the school year is a great time to talk with your child about their role in making this school year a great one. As a mentor, there are also things that you can add to the mentoring hour each week that will help nurture happy, successful students. I hope these tips will help make it a great year for your child!

1- Help your child set academic and behavior goals. Have high expectations and check in weekly to see how these goals are getting accomplished. Share these goals with your child’s teacher so he/she can help your child succeed.

2- Teach your child about the importance of SLEEP AND NUTRITION. While they may not be able to control everything that happens in their home, encourage them to get to bed early and to eat healthy food that their school or their parents provide. Research shows that children who are sleep deprived get lower grades and have more behavior issues. In  fact, according to a study conducted in 2003, just 30-40 minutes more of sleep a day can have a significant effect on a child’s classroom performance.

3- Set some guidelines on how you will spend the hour together each week. You will go FAR in your relationship as you include Fun, Academics, and Relationship Building activities. Work TOGETHER to plan the hour as research shows that mentors and students who collaborate on how they spend their time feel better about the match.

4- Talk to your child’s teacher to gather helpful information about their strengths and weaknesses.

5- Help your child start a hobby or get involved with extracurricular activities. As they develop these interests their self confidence will increase and they will learn valuable lessons about self-discipline, perseverance and social skills.

6- Learn from mistakes. I imagine at some point this school year, you will hear about a poor grade or poor choice that your child makes at school. This is a great opportunity for you to help them learn how to move FORWARD after failure rather than just giving up.

7- Look for ways to make learning FUN! Engage your child in learning by making it active. Include topics that they find  interesting! Play games!

8- Finally, be FAITHFUL. Your gift of time that you share every week can make a difference in your child’s life. Enjoy the hour together.

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