Top 5 Kids Hope USA Highlights of 2017

Each year at Kids Hope USA, we find ourselves inspired by stories of hope and joy that are the result of one-on-one relationships between mentors and students all over the country. In order to celebrate this, we thought we would recap some of our favorite Kids Hope USA moments of 2017!

1) Annabelle and Aiden

This unlikely pair stole the hearts of many in 2017 – we still call Annabelle, Kids Hope USA’s “Coolest” Mentor:

Click here to watch the video!

2) Stacy shared about her son’s progress:

“My son works with a gentleman named Duane. I am so very pleased with everything that he has done for my son. He looks forward to seeing him every Wednesday. He has helped my son to smile and to be a happy boy again.”
– Stacy G., Kids Hope USA Parent

3) When Kids Hope USA shared “10 things you might not know about KHUSA”

1) Today, there are over 3,000 public elementary schools waiting for a church to partner with them through Kids Hope USA. (That’s nearly 51,000 children!)

2) 90% of Kids Hope USA programs go above and beyond just mentoring at their partner school. This could include supporting teachers, providing material resources or helping families of Kids Hope USA students.

3) The average mentoring relationship lasts two academic school years. And it is very, very rare that it ends because a mentor needs to leave. Relationships typically only disperse if a student moves away from their current school.

Check out the full list HERE!

4) When Jody Massey shared her Kids Hope USA Story:

“I met Arleen when she was in the 1st grade. She grabbed my hand and said, “let’s go, Miss Joey.”  Arleen would introduce me to everyone we would see in the halls as “Her Kids Hope.”  She was so proud to have a mentor! It was just so special to see that she never felt “different” that she was in the Kids Hope program. She felt special and loved!

I have loved our time together and watching her grow up and mature!  She may never know the blessing she was to me. God actually used her to save me!  

6 years ago my oldest son started using drugs and it turned our world upside down. As parents, we were living our worst nightmare and after a year of this chaos I prayed for God to help me get through each day and use me somehow.”

Read the full story HERE!

5) When Kids Hope USA Directors work together to reach more children:

“Meggie, a Director in Tulsa, trained in October of 2016 and launched her church’s Kids Hope USA program in December of 2016 with 17 mentors! She has done a lot of work building a relationship between her church and school and the students/mentors had a great year. In preparation for next year and hopefully more program growth, Meggie asked to be connected with a KHUSA Director whose program is growing and doing well. She has been connected with Mary, a Director in Atlanta, GA. Mary brought KHUSA to her church and now they are partnered with 3 schools! Who knows what great stuff is going to come from the conversations of these 2 go-getters!” – Corrie Letko, KHUSA –

What were some of your favorite Kids Hope USA moments of 2017? Share in the comments below?

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