What Is Hope?

The following was written by a 17 old Honduran student at the Vida Abudante Christian School in La Union Honduras.

“A good definition for hope is that it is the belief that circumstances in the future will be better.  Everyone should be expecting a great year.  We should be hopeful all the time and fully trust God.  God lets us know that we are alive for a reason, and that He has so many blessings and a purpose for our lives.  Knowing these words and believing them will make us hopeful.  Some people who are in really hard situations have hope, and if they do, why would not we, who have so many things to be thankful for, be hopeful for our future.  Learn to have hope, and you will see how it provides joy, peace and strength to your life, making it better.”

Pretty good wisdom from a 17 year old in a third world country.  Pray that you will experience this kind of confidence as you begin a new school year of service.

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