Exercise- The Magic Cure

I would strongly recommend that you read Chapters 4 & 5 of Ratey’s book if you want documentation of how exercise reduces anxiety and depression.  His conclusions include: 1.   Psychotherapy and medication remain the two main treatments for anxiety and depression. 2.   The chemicals activated in the brain when taking anti depressant medication are the […]

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Active Game

Stress can interfere with learning, and sadly, there are many children who deal with stress on a daily basis. Experts say EXCERCISE will help reduce stress in a child. As a mentor, how can you include exercise in your hour? If you have access to the gym at your school spend a few minutes in

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Nature vs. Nurture

Since brain researchers like Ratey are often accused of looking at the physical aspects of our being at the expense of environmental conditioning, Ratey takes time this week to share research done in the 1960’s that resulted in the formation of head start to overcome environmental delays in children raised in poverty.  Research has consistently

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If you have enjoyed playing the card game Go Fish, you will love playing GO APE! It’s basically played the same way as Go Fish, but instead of asking “Do you have a card?”, you ask for cards by mimicking the action that is on your card. For example, if the monkey’s hands are up

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Help a child learn how to build words by playing WORD PIRATES together. It’s a fun game that is quick and simple to play! The best part…if you can build a word that has 4 letters or more you get to wear a pirate patch! That is pretty motivating when you are a young student!


Growing Brain Cells

A recent article in our local newspaper had this headline, “Strong body, strong mind. Kids who exercise do better in school.”  That is the Ratey’s point this week as he says, “When we exercise, we’re also exercising the areas of the brain involved in the full suite of cognitive functions.” Ratey points out that our

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“I googled your name.”

Have you ever done a Google search on someone before meeting them?  After hearing the words “In preparation for our meeting, I googled your name” from the head of a large school system, curiosity drove me immediately from the meeting to my computer. Here’s what I found: Drew Peirce the Special Effects genius.  “Mastermind Drew Peirce and

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The Eagles Are Back!

What’s it like to live in an environment that is constantly moving and changing? For a child, this type of setting can make it hard to pay attention, which can interfere with the learning process. Help your child slow down the pace of life by connecting them with nature…go on a walk on the school

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Side Benefits to Exercise

Ratey shares 4 benefit to exercise that go beyond just improvement in brain functioning; they are: 1.  IMPROVED ATTENTION- Better physical fitness equals better attention because kids slow down and make sure they get their next move right. 2.  STRESS REDUCTION- Students learned that they could reduce stress by running laps and thus manage their brain through exercise.

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Exercise Body- Stronger Brain

When the findings of brain research became more prevalent during the last 10 years, I was initially one of the skeptics.  I had been taught in my training that people’s problems had more to do with the conditions they lived in daily rather than anything related to their physical well being.   Now that proof is

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