One-on-One: Why do relationships matter?
One-on-One: Why do relationships matter? Read More »
Shelly Hochstetler, Kids Hope USA Director for First Baptist Church shares her inspiration below for the M & M Feeling Game and M & M Anger Game. “I was inspired by the breakout session that I attended on the power of relationships at the IL Regional Conference, and I was looking for some new ideas on talking
Kinetic Sand — a magical and mesmerizing experience! Kinetic Sand is easy-to-shape sand that molds into simple desktop designs. Playing with Kinetic Sand gives a moment of relaxation for both young and old. A Kids Hope Director in Midland, TX shared that she gave each of her mentors a box of Kinetic Sand with a note
Celebrate National Reading Month by playing Zingo! This innovative game encourages pre-readers & early readers alike to match the pictures & words on their challenge cards with the tiles revealed in the Zingo! The first player with a full card wins the game by yelling “Zingo!”. Two levels of play & several game variations.
BINGO with a ZING! Read More »