Here’s a Christmas game to try that will help build vocabulary and critical thinking skills, all while having fun together! Here’s what you do…
1- Purchase 2 Santa Hats at your local dollar store so both you and your child can wear one. They will love being silly with you!
2- Next, write different words about Christmas on index cards or post-it notes. Words could include joy, candle, frosty, stocking, present, santa, family, caroling, etc.. For young students who are not reading yet, include a picture next to the word.
3- Now, you are ready to play! Without letting your child see, put a word card on their Santa hat. They will need to ask questions to try and guess what word is on their hat. For young children, you may need to give hints.
4- If they guess the correct word, they can keep the card.
5- Continue taking turns guessing words until all of the cards have been used.
6- At your last mentoring session before Christmas break, give the hat and word cards to your child so they can play the game with their family over break.
This HO-HO-HO game will be sure to bring lots of Ha-Ha-Has!