School VS Home: Who’s Responsible?

For the online version of these tips, go to: Parents and schools have the same goal: to help children grow, mature, and become citizens who contribute positively to our society.  Each group expects much of the other.  Parents expect schools to protect their children and teach them effectively.  Schools expect parents to prepare their

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ABC Book

Before you throw out those old magazines, STOP and read this blog post… they could help your student learn to read! Purchase a simple notebook and label each page with a letter A-Z. As you look through magazines, let your child cut out pictures from the pages, determine what letter the word starts with, and then

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Our final review looks at how the context of life circumstances can result in either increasing or decreasing the stress that can result from life’s challenges. Context is defined as the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event or situation. Allow me a personal example of how that can affect one’s outlook.  The

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Sharing Successes

The model family in our ongoing study decided to share their approach with their friends.  Their friends had been arguing for several months about how and when to remodel their house.  I can relate as we just finished a remodel of our own.  Our model couple taught their friends how to identify their core values which

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Making it all Work

They say the best laid plans can often go awry unless those making the plan are intentional and put their ideas in writing.  Lencioni shares our sample family’s action plan. That family listed two key themes: 1.  What makes our family unique?  (faith-based, passionate about all we do, and we do it together) 2.  What is most

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