Do you mentor a child who loves a good challenge? If so, click on this link to get information about a PING PONG BALL contest that is currently happening through KIDS HOPE. It’s more than just getting a ball to land in a cup….it’s all about having FUN with your child! Enjoy!
Don’t Break the Chain Game
Don’t Break the Chain is a great game that challenges the memory and gets you moving! Imagine my surprise when I found it in a Hallmark store! Hallmark stores across the country will be selling it this spring for $12.99. To play, the first player pics a card (“link”) and follows the instruction. For example,
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How to Talk So Children Will Listen
We’ll be spending the month of April listening to what Faber & Mazlish have to say to us in their book How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk. I often get concerns from mentors about their student who either will not talk to them or will not listen to
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Believe In Me
“Believe in Me ” is the theme for Voices Of Hope this month and it highlights what saved Liz Murray from a lost life. You recall she spent all of her growing up life on the streets partying with people she thought were her friends. She always woke up empty the morning after. Once she
Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed by Mo Willems
Let me start by saying I have yet to find a book by Mo Willems that does not make me or my children laugh. Even the title of this book brought giggles when we found it at the library…just imagine a naked mole rat! Beyond a funny title though, this is a great book for
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School Agency Impact
As a child of poverty, Liz Murray dealt with three agencies that are all too familiar in their insensitivity to those in need. Social Welfare – Liz remembers how caseworkers treated her family with authoritarian disrespect while they relished in the power they were able to wield. Child Welfare – Because she was poorly cared
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Get to know something about your child as you play a quick game of “Categories”. Share a category (my house, my bedroom, my neighborhood, my school, the playground, my friend’s house, my mentoring hour) and let your child list things they like to do at each place. Pay close attention to the activities that your
Psychological Make-up Necessary to Resist Poverty
Liz Murray refused to follow her parents in a lifestyle that included the three greatest evils of poverty; drug addiction, prostitution and dependence on welfare. It was the strength of her personality that helped her avoid these traps. What psychological factors caused her to prevail? 1. Her deep love for her parents caused a role
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Reading & Writing
A simple star diagram can help your child practice reading comprehension and story writing. After reading a good book, create a star similar to this image. Together, talk about the story answering the 5 W’s…who is the story about? where did it take place? when did it take place? what happened? For WHY you could
Prayer Partners
Behind every KIDS HOPE USA mentor and mentee there is a prayer partner who is praying exclusively for them. This is a powerful gift and I was reminded of this again last night as I had the opportunity to connect with a KIDS HOPE prayer partner. She was smiling from ear to ear as she