One-on-One – How to teach your student thankfulness
One-on-One – How to teach your student thankfulness Read More »
To all of the wonderful mentors out there, be encouraged. In kid-language, you ARE making an impact and they appreciate all you do! My Mentor is GREAT because… 1. We play all day and she teach me to do the monkey bars. 2. We read together. 3. He is really funny. 4. He is good
20 Reasons My Mentor is Great! (Part 1) Read More »
“I just left from visiting Grace, my 2nd grade Kids Hope student. She said, “hey do you have anymore nice people in your church? I have a friend who just moved in next to me and she could use a nice friend like you at school!” That’s new… kids referring kids!” This story was submitted
Kids Referring Kids Read More »
Shelly Hochstetler, Kids Hope USA Director for First Baptist Church shares her inspiration below for the M & M Feeling Game and M & M Anger Game. “I was inspired by the breakout session that I attended on the power of relationships at the IL Regional Conference, and I was looking for some new ideas on talking
School Secretaries are great because… 1. They are able to take a chaotic situation and provide calming solutions with the urgency that the situation may require. 2. They know everything! If you ever need an answer to a question, a school secretary will either know the answer off the top of his/her head or be
20 Reasons School Secretaries are GREAT! Read More »
We congratulate the following Kids Hope USA Directors who have given their time and talents to extend hope and love to children in their community: Directors who have celebrated 5 years with us over the past year: Mary Atkinson (Front Range Baptist Church- CO) Nancy Buckingham (Greeley Wesleyan Church- CO) Kimberly Destree (St. Patrick Presbyterian Church- CO) Pam Hungenberg (Greeley Wesleyan Church-
Kids Hope USA Director Anniversaries Read More »
Kinetic Sand — a magical and mesmerizing experience! Kinetic Sand is easy-to-shape sand that molds into simple desktop designs. Playing with Kinetic Sand gives a moment of relaxation for both young and old. A Kids Hope Director in Midland, TX shared that she gave each of her mentors a box of Kinetic Sand with a note
“Our pastor had declared a “Summer of Service” and we were all asked to find ways to serve others in our community, showing God’s love through our actions.We took on one project for the whole congregation to do together, along with our individual ideas. We had asked our Kids Hope partner school if they needed us
Pastors are great because… 1. They put action behind their words and live out what they believe. 2. They cast vision and invite you to become a part of something greater than yourself. 3. They are great communicators. 4. They empower others to use their gifts and talents in meaningful and effective ways. 5. They
20 Reasons Pastors are GREAT! Read More »